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Our Programs are here to serve our community

ACAC covers all areas of need a family or an individual will need to get back on the road to being a productive member of society. Our programs—Advocacy and Outreach—work closely with our collaborative partners to ensure each client’s success.

ACAC Advocates pre-screen all clients to pre-qualify them for our partner agency’s services, which enables us to use their services without waiting for approvals.


Welcome to Florida Department of Children and Families Automated Community Connection to Economic Self Sufficiency (ACCESS). The ACCESS Florida system allows customers to connect with their public assistance information 24/7, through the online application and MyACCESS Account. The Economic Self-Sufficiency Program helps to promote strong and economically self-sufficient communities by determining eligibility for food, cash and medical assistance for individuals and families on the road to economic recovery.

The Food Assistance Program helps individuals and families purchase nutritional foods needed to maintain and promote good health. The Temporary Cash Assistance program provides financial assistance to pregnant women in their third trimester and families with dependent children to assist in the payment of rent, utilities and other household expenses. The Medicaid Program provides medical assistance to individuals and families to cover or assist in the cost of services that are medically necessary.

Advocacy Programs

House in human hands on a white background

Housing Assistance

Housing is considered the primary and most critical component to assist people to self-sufficiency and self- empowerment. ACAC works with multiple agencies to find emergency shelter, transitional, and permanent housing for homeless individuals and families.


Mental Health Therapy

Our Mental Health partners provide the appropriate mental health counselling and therapy, which best fits their needs. Furthermore, ACAC Advocates understand that mental health treatment and counseling does not always follow a time deadline. We work with organizations that either use a sliding scale fee schedule or provide free treatment without an artificial deadline or insurance eligibility.

GUICHET-File d attente - Handicap

Employment Assistance

Career Source and Goodwill both provide our clients employment assistance for career assessments, job searches, writing resumes, education and training, and more.

Disabled senior man being in nursing home

Senior Assistance / Disabled persons Assistance

Senior services include assistance with Medicare/Social Security issues, food, transportation to and from medical offices, guidance, form filling, prescriptions, and more. 

Young physiotherapist working with senior patient in clinic


ACAC Advocates help provide guidance and referrals for both physical and substance abuse rehabilitation.

ACAC coordinates services with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Rehabilitation at Orlando Regional Medical Center, as well as with the Disability Wellness Center in Seminole County. Both organizations specialize in providing individualized therapy that addresses independence at all levels of care with the goals to improve the ability, health, and lifestyle of disabled people.

For more information about our programs
call us today!

(321) 746-3511

Outreach Programs

Highway Tolls

ACAC gives application to disable person who is qualify for benefits with Florida Department of Transportation under Disadvantage Transportation.


Durable Medical Equipment

ACAC has an MOU with We Care of Lake County for gently used medical equipment, such as canes, walkers, shower and toilet chairs, and medical beds. Many of these items are free or donation-based.



Clients who are accepted into housing programs will need furniture. Our partnership agreement with the Mustard Seed and other agencies provide furniture for a client’s new home.

Background concept wordcloud illustration of food security

Food Insecurity

ACAC works with several pantries and food banks throughout Orange and Osceola Counties.. ACAC Advocates assess a family’s food needs to make sure that all family members are eating healthy and nutritious foods.


Equine Therapy

Eagle Heart Ranch provides equine therapy to individuals who are Veterans, active soldiers, first responders, and medical staff, as well as their family members. These individuals have traumatic experiences that include PTSD, TBI, and other severe mental health issues.

Business Woman Holding a Tablet Computer.

Dress for Success

Women are taught proper etiquette and social interaction to further their chances of getting the job they want. They are also taught the best way to dress for the interview, how to shake an employer’s hand, how to sit, and how to answer questions. These basic skills, often taken for granted, can be the difference between landing a job—and not.

Financial education concept handwritten on blackboard, near cash

Financial Education

Many families and individuals have no idea how to balance a checkbook, put aside savings, open a savings account, or how to read a bank statement. We work with several banks that will hold finance education workshops to our clients so they can become more aware and smarter about money management.

Recent testimonials of grants made

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